Project 1 - oops camping
Whole YWCA produced a online TV platform in 2021 summer for children, teens and parents. classified into 兒童及家庭台 &青年及社區台.total 12 programs , every week one episode for each program.
Involved in Pre-Planning, Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production stage for the whole campaign.
Online marketing:
pitch proposal
responsible for first two stages with my marketing teaser stage and engagement stage ( team A. (being a team leader in this stage)
create facebook and instagram ,youtube account and post content regularly
holding meeting weekly
LOGO design
poster, banner, leaflet design
website suggestion (kv, color tone etc)
create promotional videos and photos
Video production:
collaborate with different teams to produce 『異地亂遊 黃大仙』ep3
contact interview parties
writing interview script
edit the whole video
participate in 『小愚智闖大嶼』 production , created storyboard
participate in 『傾心事音樂會』program
Shooting promotional videos

logo design

YWCA-Assitant Project Officer
Project 2 YETP 展翅青見
create instagram account for teens who are finding job or need help.
create three categories about office in instagram
responsible for content creation and advertising
attend regular meetings
content and video production
promote 展翅青見 and 女青實習計劃

Project 3 : marketing for ITLC ( daily role)
content creation for ywca-itlc instagram youtube and facebook page
video production - street interview
poster for kid courses
website design
certificate design